Consider how the wildflowers grow....Luke 12:27 NIV
Living small in our 880 square foot cottage and micro farming on approximately an acre of land.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Goats of a Different Color

Best picture I could get.  They wouldn't stand still!

The goat fairy godmother came and changed my non-milking and almost-dry Oberhasli goats into two milk-full Alpines!  I'm getting nearly a gallon a day out of these two.

I've really come to enjoy milking goats and actually find myself looking forward to it morning and evening.  Despite these two being a much more....energetic...than the Oberhasli, and not used to being milked freestall (they're trained for milk stands), and being so full of milk that my hands are getting quite the workout, I can't help but love milking them.  It is a quiet time of day and I am forced to be patient and gentle, yet firm and deliberate.  I can't stop and I can't give up.  I have to milk on.  I HAVE to do it.  No ifs ands or buts about it (although one of them did butt me this morning during milking).

I've only had them for two days and I look forward to them calming down and getting used to our routine.  No more stepped in pails, or jumping over me to get away, or breaking down the dividing fence in the barn to get to the hay on the other side.  (I reinforced it well this morning).

Maybe I am a goat-girl after all.


  1. I'm hoping to get a few goats next spring...and milking them the following spring! I use to milk cows as a child and I have fond memories of that. You really bond with the girls when you are milking them twice a day.

    I discovered you blog thru the HomeAcre glad I did too!

  2. :-) Now that's a sweet goat fairy!
    Thank you for linking up with the HomeAcre Hop; I hope you'll share with us again this Thursday.
    Kathi at Oak Hill Homestead
